Friday, May 3, 2013

MSP- Week 6

My team and I decided to donate to two organizations. We donated to SAY San Diego and Promises 2 Kids. We donated $300 to Promises 2 Kids and $200 to SAY San Diego. We decided to donate to these two organizations because one of our teammates has been in both of them and she said that they really helped her and they made a great impact on her life.
Our team was not one of the best when it came to staying on task. We loved to talk, just not about our topic. We all got along very well, but we procrastinated a lot. In the end, we finished strong and I feel like we did a good job presenting.
Turning in those checks will make me feel good about myself. I learned a lot about these two organizations and I feel good about giving them money. I know they will put the money to good use.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

MSP- Week 3

The organizations that we have looked up so far are Promises 2 Kids, Voices for Children, and SAY San Diego.

Promises 2 Kids is mainly about finding the right home for foster children.

       SAY San Diego is about helping troubled kids and their families.

Voices for Children is about changing the lives of abused children.

MSP- Week 2

This was the second week of MSP and today we did a Brown Paper Bag Activity. We were to bring three items inside of the bag and share what they mean to us with our team. I brought in a bracelet, a picture, and an apple. The bracelet was the last thing my grandmother gave me. The picture was from my childhood and it was to represent that I enjoyed my childhood and that I would like to help other children have a great childhood as well. The apple represented health and that I am grateful to be healthy. This week I hope to find out what exactly organization do and how they help out. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

MSP- Week 1

For the first day of Main Street Philanthropy (MSP), we used the MAD (Make A Difference) Cards. I learned that I want to get more involved with children and that I want to get involved in how they grow up and see the world. I worked with a partner and I learned that she likes animals and that she would like to get involved with them. Using these cards helped us see what we are interested in more and what different types of organizations we might be interested in. From participating in the MSP program, I hope to learn how to choose the right organizations to donate to.